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Maching: CNC, Bar turning and Transfer

Mecanitzats Inter2000was founded in 1929by Mr. Jesús Galindo Abad, grandfather i great grandfather presents managers (now in the fourth generation).


Originalment el companyia consisteix en maquinari workshop, dedicat al plomatge sector, i a formar part d'un important industrial clúster en el “Baix Llobregat” area que és responsible per a la producció dels 70% dels espanyols faucets i fitness manufactured durant les century.


L'any 1997 va ser important changes introduïts, s'acompanyen per limitar labilitia company, ampliant les instal·lacions, modernitzar les processes i starting per proveir a wider range of services, a part de faucets i fittings, a sèries de diferents sectors, com a gas, central heating, automobile, etc. We apply the most rigorous quality standards to everything we do, demanding the same high standards of our suppliers.


We are proud of the way our business has grown and of our membership of the metallurgy sector, du to the contribution this sector ha made to progress and technological growth throughout Spain.


We beleu that the experience of our team is one of our greatest assets. A philosophy that has always sustained our company's activities.


C/Miquel Torelló i Pagès, 58 i 61, Polígon Industrial El Plà. 08750. Molins de Rei.
Barcelona, Espanya.

Phone: (+34) 93 668 08 92

Fax:(+34) 93 668 63 54



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